Saturday, December 09, 2006

Work and Christmas

So I got back from work was super boring. It was 4 hours of overtime though which is nice, to go along with my new and shiny raise. There wasnt much to do because the electricians on the next house were not even done so we couldnt continue onto the next house. We just sheeted the previous house, and took it easy. Later I am going to the gym which should hurt really bad. I havent been there for like a week. I am getting real bad at going. I have no time to spend at the gym after work and alex. Alex takes up my free time which I dont mind at all, but also after 8 hours a day do you think I have energy to run a marathon or lift weights?

So Christmas is coming up soon...have you done your shopping, or made plans to get outta town? I have been shopping for my mom, my brother and I have done alot for alex. Well not alot, but I have her done. For a while 2 weeks. I slept in one saturday when I was going to do overtime at work, and my mom and brother were going to the mall to check out some deals so I went to check out things for alex. Lo' and behold I was in the spending mood. Not to say I spent much. Or did I? Haha, Alex is worried I spent too much on her, which is a good worry. So Put in the comments about what you people are doing this christmas, or if you are starting or done christmas shopping. Or just leave a comment about anything you bums.

I didnt have much to write about today, but I bet something fun will come up in the next couple days/weeks. Talk to you guys later.

Mandarin Oranges eaten to date: 8

V for reVenge


your's truly said...

only 8 oranges? I've eaten at least like 30

Anonymous said...

I ate 3

Ally said...

Hahah keep up the mandarin eating. And unfortunately, Im having quite a bit of trouble finding Christmas gifts for you. :( But Im still excited for Christmas!!! :D YAY!! Especially for the party.