Sunday, November 26, 2006


What would you do if you had like plans for a full weekend, or a chance to go to WhiteFish with your friends what would you do? This is where I stand right now. I have made the decision but still it is hard. My friends are so cool and I want to hang out with them, with no supervision (I know I sound 14 years old right now), and go to whitefish, but my other choice is Go to a flames game which will be way cheaper then a weekend in whitefish, fundraise for my mexico trip, and go to a staff party with wicked prizes etc.

What would you do. Like I have already got the ticket for the game, and I have to go. But what would you do? Hang out with your friends and spend way too much money or have a weekend filled with other fun things. Like I know what I was gonna do, go to whitefish was the main plan...but other things came up, and I know I must go to the fundraiser to raise funds for my account cause I am one of the people with the lowest funds, which is fine by me, cause I got reserves and a job I can just pull a couple hundred out of for this trip, but IU would really like to go. Also the flames game idea just got plopped on me yesterday, and I would love to see Iginla and Phaneuf and the whole gang, and its not everyday you get to see the flames play. Also my christmas staff party where we get presents and dancing and food for free is going on the same night when we are gone, and I feel like I must go so I can get in the holiday mood haha.

So I already signed up for those tickets, and now I must go not to whitefish but to calgary, and hang out in medicine hat all day on saturday, come home, and go to the staff party. So I will keep you posted with my friend's comments aboput me not coming, about how it went in calgary and medicine hat, and how the party went. So talk to you later all of my devoted readers :P

V is for Vengeance ( dont you forget that!)


your's truly said...

boo, hockey sucks. go to whitefish. being irresponsible and money wasting is wat being young is all about.

Anonymous said...

I probably shouldn't be commenting right now because I'm not in a good frame of mind, but I have to say - that's pretty shitty. We have no fallback plan now. Yay Whitefish with Mike and I, I guess. What a party...

Ally said...

Wow, Im not the first one to comment. I sense some tension. Thats not very good. Kyle Im proud of you because it was a hard decision to make. You can't always do what you want, sometimes you have obligations. It sucks, but that's life sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Kyle - you're a douche bag. I am so tired of being screwed over by friends.I would usually brush it off, but not this time.I offer a cheap, fun week on a ski hill and I have to practically drag everyone there.I know lots of people who would love to spend a week in a condo(a free condo), sitting in the hottub and skiing all day, but I chose you guys because you're my friends.You knew about this trip for months and suddenly somthing "came up".I am tired of being the planner and offering vacations to people.
Plan your damn trips.

Anonymous said...

I missed "own". Plan your own damn trips.
P.S. I agree with Shaggy Dude- hockey sucks, party is good etc.

Anonymous said...

I've had some sleep and some time to think about it now. So here it goes.

I can't comprehend why, but it seems as though you've been trying to find any excuse you can to get out of Whitefish since Mike invited us all. This whole thing isn't anywhere close to worth endangering a friendship over, and I will definitely get over it, but to be honest with you I am pretty disillusioned right now. I know in the future not to bother wasting my time trying to accomodate everyone, because as it turns out, being nice really doesn't pay off. I just want to know... can you honestly tell us that a staff party or a stupid hockey game will be more fun than hanging out with us for a weekend in a free condo on a ski hill? If that's the case, I wish you would've just let us know from the beginning, because I think that paints a pretty accurate picture of how you view spending time with us. Also, I really wish I didn't have to find out from a stupid blog (man, I am tired of hearing that word), where it seems like, based on the way you talk about the trip, that you had made your decision a long time ago.

your's truly said...

hey mike, i feel your pain man. I get the same feeling from my friends. No way I'd pass up sumthing so cool as skiing and whatnot.

Anonymous said...

... (cough cough) not to sound rude, but you all sound like a couple of girls. Keep in mind that when you "ask" someone something, or in this case "invite" them - they DO have the right to say no. They also have the right to be respected for their decision. Maybe he should have told you sooner, or done it a different way, and for that - yeah - he did some wrong. But reacting like this is definitely not Godly, plus it isn't gonna make things better, in fact, what you're doing now is turning a situation that is unfortunate into some bitter memories that can and will come between friends! Is that what you want? Kyle explained his reasoning for not going in his blog. It's not as if he's ditching you to hang with others or just cause he doesn't want to be there; it's because of things like raising money for a missions trip (so that he doesnt have to use money he's SAVING FOR SCHOOL). Now i know it really does suck that you're plans didnt work out like you wanted them to, but getting mad at people and writing angry comments on their blog is really doing harm, and no good. I'm sorry if I come across as harsh, but I really do think you guys need to look at this in perspective, and do keep in mind there will be other times to hang out with your friends. Since you "know lots of people who would love to spend a week in a condo", then why not invite some of them and have a good trip, despite the setbacks?

Ally said...

Way to go anonymous! Well said. So...who are you?? :) Feel free to de-lurk.

Anonymous said...

This is Kevin (Incantium), my account isn't working so I am posting anonymously because, well, it works.

Gee, I wonder if the "anonymous" above is related to or closely affiliated with Kyle in some way, because thats a huge paragraph chalk full of biased opinions. One-sided as they may be, there is a lot of truth there. Posting here wasn't the Godly way to handle it, and there was very little opportunity for good to come of it. With that said, the problem has been dealt with already. Both sides have apologized, and the friendships will remained unscathed, because UNLIKE girls, we got our feelings out in the open and dealt with them. That sure beats talking about someone behind their back, in my opinion. We were honest with each other and didn't sugar coat or mince words, and thats exactly why this will blow over uneventfully and remain forever a VERY small bump in the road. It has been and is still in the process of being rectified, so lets all kindly stop talking about it :)

PS: I think "anonymous" must be Kyle's Mom, because that's sure what it sounded like. :p

Anonymous said...

I forgot to add:

Kyle, if you're reading this, we love you. I guess everyone should know that. I am pretty sure I can speak for the 3 of us guys when I say, once and for all, that there are no hard feelings, and we hope that's mutual. You're a good guy, and I know that you wouldn't do anything intentionally to hurt our feelings. Of course, we're all malicious and self-serving by nature, so I'm sorry if we came off as rude. We didn't mean it. It sucks that you can't come to Whitefish, and I'm still disappointed about it, but thats life I suppose. Thats pretty much it. Oh, this is Kev again.

Anonymous said...

Hello all... This is me from 4 comments back. Let me shed some light on these musings... I am not close with kyle, I am not biased, and I'm certianly NOT his mommy, on top of that, I am not impressed that kevin/incantium would use an excuse like that to try to downplay my comment. Kevin - had I been biased at all - it would have been in your favour.
Now that that's been said, good to hear you're all friends again.

PS- Alex, I prefer to remain anonymous. For all you know, I'm just some random who was exploring blogs and felt I needed to comment. I hope this doesnt put you in a bad light. If it does - you and I know the truth, and the truth is all that really matters.

Ally said...

I dont even think Kyles mom knows how to get to a blog. And no Kevin, it wasnt me either.
Im glad were all one big happy family again! Yay!! Cant wait till Christmas!