Sunday, September 24, 2006

Who am I giving blood to?

Friday was a great day, I gave blood, got some stuff done around the house, went to work from 1-8, and then just hung out with Alex. Me and Alex gave blood together, good thing she had enough iron in her blood so she could give it this time. Last time we went together was like early summer, and she couldnt give it cause it didnt sink to the bottom of the cup in the Cu(II)SO4 solution meaning you dont have enough iron in your blood (hemoglobin), haha okay maybe I am nerd. But I saw it on the paper the solution make up, and thought I would tell you guys to eat alot of greens and meat before you go. Its a really go experience. It will be my third time next time. I Like doing it. Knowing you're helping out people that need it is great. Plus I am a universal donor so anyone can use my blood, atleast i think. So I can help out potentially anyone. They have alot of very great questions they ask you in person before you are allowed to go give blood. They ask you about 30 questions about if you have had sex with a guy after 1977, and its definitely a no. Also if you have been to africa or have had blood from africa. Its a real snooze, I kinda laugh and sleep to pass the time during these questions. They are useful for gay people, but seriously just ask me my sexual preference and if I have been to africa it would be all over then. No more stupid questions and no more wasting my time. I beat my new old record which was nice, last time i gave a pint or whatever they call it in 4:58 and this time i gave in 4:41. They were pretty impressed, said I had a great heart, and were proud of me that I beat alex by a good 2 minutes. But its no doubt I beat her, cause my heart is bigger and what not.

Needles will never stop scaring me though. I get this idea that they really hurt when they dont. The nurse said that i prolly gave blood pretty fast cause my heart rate was up because of my apprehension of hurting needles. For the record it hurt, and also hurt if I moved my arm even a little bit. It was okay when it was out, and I got soup after with a pop. So we had lunch for free from Canadian Blood Services, and had a great time giving some life to other people. Its almost volunteering it feels like.

Well gotta jet, going to church tonight and gonna go see my dad for a while. So if you have anything you want to say please post a comment. Even u non-bloggers can post stuff on here, just under anonymous. Just sign your name with a comment or w/e about the blogs. Talk to you later.

I just need to know, that I am something you will be missing


your's truly said...

giving blood makes me get the jibbilies. ugggh needles jibbily jibbily.

Anonymous said...

Benj I remember in Gr 5 when we had those Hep. B Vaccinations and you were SOOOOO scared. We had to hold you down in your chair. LOL!!!!
Donating blood is fun!! Yay! And I am no longer sensitive about my low iron, because its no longer low! :D

your's truly said...

Ha ha I totally remember that, way back in grade 5? wow, must be one of the earliest things i can remember. I could have sworn that was in later grades. And yes, to my shame I had to be held down, probly still would if I had to get a needle now.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kyle!
umm..How are you?